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What is Atris

Atris is an intelligent community manager. Train it on all your documentation, Slack and Discord channels, and blog posts – and Atris creates a bot that your community members can talk to. Enable your org leaders in Marketing, Sales, HR, and Community. Atris makes community management scalable.

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Scaling online networks and communities is challenging and expensive.

With recent advances in AI, you can let Atris do the hard work. Scrape and input data from various sources, integrate with Atris, and save hours.


As your organization, whether it be a workforce or online community, scales, knowledge retrieval and task completion become exponentially harder and more expensive.

Instead of equipping existing community managers with advanced tools, organizations end up increasing costs and making unnecessary hires.

It also leads to member churn.

A customer joins your Discord but ends up not participating. Why? Because it’s noisy, distracting, and hard to keep track of. This often happens when an online chat platform increases in size.

In addition, members, deal with: